Leptis Magna: The Sleeping City

I was a bit bored, so I wrote this little story of a place that attracted me too much. A few letters that I know some people read me obliquely.

The Third Augustan Legion had Africa as its theatre of operations and its central base was the city of Leptis Magna, the birthplace of Septimus Severus, the most important port in Libya. From there the Roman legionaries conquered North Africa, subdued Numidians, Mauretanians, Atarantes and Garamantes, entered through Murzuq and even reached the kingdom of Hausa on Lake Chad.

Libia - Leptis Magna

With such a history, it is hard to see the detour sign to the city and not go in to see it. And yet, at first sight, it doesn't seem like a very good idea to cross a road where there are plenty of checkpoints for well-armed militias. But of course, we've had worse ideas...

Libia - Leptis Magna


The city seems asleep, as if some strange force has forced them to leave the city overnight. After crossing the arch erected in honour of Septimus Severus, an incredible journey back in time begins. There, amidst a sea of columns, pediments and capitals piled up in disarray, the voices of the orators in the forum, the cheers of the coliseum and even the hubbub of the market on the beach still seem to resound.

Libia - Leptis Magna

I am sure that one day it will be less complicated to get there and we will be able to show it to you. Inshaallah

Libia - Leptis Magna

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 09:34h, 12 May Reply

    Let's see if I'm free that day for this always pending trip!

  • Alberto Mrteh
    Posted at 08:09h, 14 August Reply

    I am sure that one day I will walk along those columns.
    Thank you for the aperitif.
    Alberto Mrteh (The Scribe's Souk)

    • undiaenlavidadecuchara
      Posted at 20:04h, 06 October Reply

      I hadn't replied to your messages, but you know I like your words of encouragement. Let's see if you dare to come with us one day. Best regards

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