The domains of the Queen of Sheba


The route we propose will take you back to distant times and places, to the romance of the king. Solomon and the Queen of ShebaYou will listen to old stories of Ethiopians proud of their past. They will tell you how they came to be the guardians of the Ark of the Covenant to protect it for centuries, far from the reach of looters and explorers. Myth or reality, the story is fascinating.

Javier Reverte said that the history of Ethiopia moves equally between pride and fallacy, bravery and blood, anger and faith, reality and myth. Ethiopia is the only African country that has never been colonised, and this marks its culture and customs, which will not leave the traveller indifferent.

The rock-hewn churches of Lalibela are proof that the Ethiopian people are capable of unprecedented things. Of creating wonders that are unique in the world. As are the great monoliths of the ancient kingdom of Aksum or the monasteries nestled in the mountains of Gheralta, in the region of Tigray, where you will have to climb to reach some of them or the castles of the walled enclosure of Gondar (World Heritage Site)

And you will also enjoy natural wonders such as the National Park of the Simien Mountains and its intense green colour of August. And, if you're lucky, you might see a specimen of Ethiopian wolf or to the Gelada baboons, endemic to the area.

You will be blown away by the legendary Lake Tana, discovered by the Spanish Jesuit Pedro Paez in the 17th century. It is there that the Blue Nile, which, capricious like no other river, twists and turns to the south, hidden in deep gorges for 400 km, then turns around and opens up to the valleys and deserts of the north and, at the end of the river, to the south. Khartoum, join his brother the White Nile.

And, of course, to go into the territory of the Afarpeople as hard as the land they inhabit; to see the salt caravans every sunset towards Ahmed Ela and the market for BerhaleThe last vestiges of a disappearing world. Visit the DallolThe world's only active volcano below sea level. Sleeping under the stars in the lunar landscape of the Lake Abbe or by the sea of lava in the crater of the Erta Aleare unforgettable experiences.

A trip that will remain in your memory forever.

Day 1: Arrival in Addis and flight Addis Ababa Bahar Dar (MP)

Day 2: Nile Falls - Lake Tana Monasteries (PC)

Day 3: Bahar Dar - Gondar (PC)

Day 4: Gondar - Simien Mountains NP - Debark (CP)

Day 5: Simien - Axum (PC)

Day 6: Aksum - Geralta Mountains - Hawzen (PC)

Day 7: Geralta - Mekele (AD)

Day 8: Mekele - Erta Ale volcano (CP)

Day 9: Erta Ale - Lake Assal (PC)

Day 10: Lake Assal - Dalol - Birhale - Mekele (AD)

Day 11: Mekele - Lalibela (PC)

Day 12: Lalibela (PC)

Day 13: Lalibela - flight to Addis - city tour and airport transfer


Itineraries and hotels may be subject to variations depending on the conditions of the route and hotel occupancy. In case of change of accommodation, it will be of similar quality.


For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions

Duration of the trip: 13 days


3.750€ per person Groups of 4 persons
Airfares vary depending on the season and how far in advance they are purchased. Desertando helps you to find the best flights for this trip and we take care of their management if you request it.

Subject to Desertando® general terms and conditions


INCLUDES: domestic flights Addis Ababa-Bahar Dar, Lalibela-Addis AbabaThe fees for issuance, transfers, transport by private car from the airport to the airport and back. Bahar Dar a Mekelecar sharing in Danakil and route Mekele-Lalibelawater on route, fuel, English-speaking drivers, local guides, entrance fees to all the sights and parks on the programme, 12 nights' accommodation and meals as per programme, Allianz assistance insurance, tourist permits.


NOT INCLUDED: international flight, visa (at Addis airport on arrival: €46), tips, local taxes, drinks at meals, optional activities and any other service not mentioned in the INCLUDED section.



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