04 Sep USA: Virginia in my mind
Normally I write the entries on the flight home, but this time it was different. Apart from the fact that I was fried with fatigue, my heart was cramped with grief and I felt like I had swallowed a sock. Goodbyes and changes kill me, even if I need them.

It's just that the other day, not only was I feeling homesick for returning from a country where I had spent the last year, but I was leaving my previous life behind.
And that's how I've been since then, without wanting to write, between sobs and sobs, (maybe I'm exaggerating a bit here) trying to digest that sock while the memories were pounding me, until I realised that there was no point in being like this, that I was finally back in Africa, and that was what I wanted so much...

and I had to look "forward" and bring out the alpha male in me again (by the way, what a great resemblance in this photo with the guy who advertised that nespresso... what was his name? George Clooney I think...).

And so it was that I returned to Africa, ready to discover new things every day and to let myself be surprised at every moment, always with my eyes wide open. That's how the evil of Africa enters, which never leaves, one day you feel able to see something more than the acacia tree in the photo below and you catch a glimpse of a couple of elephants playing hide and seek, lurking behind it, and that's when you start to get trapped...

Well, as I was saying, I was in my depths, on the shores of Lake Victoria, napping in the shade of a coconut tree, (while trying to figure out why sleeping under a coconut tree was the leading cause of death in some countries), when I realised that I had left the United States and had barely written anything about Virginia....

I am aware that in the last few months I have done a few miles in search of special places, but I have also found them just a few Mac Donald's away from home, and I have never told you about them.

Now that I'm no longer there, I remember such incredible places as First Landing Park, the beaches of the Outerbanks, the wild ponies of Chincoteague Park, the mangroves of the Great Swamp Dismal...

or its historic villages, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Monticello...

This year I have led a very sacrificed life, but I have thoroughly enjoyed many moments and it will be hard for me to forget the early morning runs along the Lafayette waterfront, the brunch on the Porstmouth ferry, the afternoons reading on the Ocean View pier, the crabs for dinner on the Dock Side, the drinks at the Hot Tuna... (I have a feeling that, when told this way, it might seem that my suffering has not been excessive, but the procession has been inside).

And I will also miss having breakfast on the terrace and recharging my batteries with such a restorative view (I'm talking about the river).

But what I will never forget are the friends I have left there, their welcome, those chats with JFT when work "overwhelmed me" or nostalgia invaded me, the Spanish table for lunch, the parties at friends' houses and the moral support of all, so to everyone, everyone, thank you very much, and to some of them, even more especially.

The best thing about my profession will always be my companions. I think of them and I am reminded of those verses that describe Shackleton's exploit: "if I look ahead on the white road, there is always another walking beside me" (T.S. Elliot). (T.S. Elliot) (I imagine that I have left your hair standing on end).
And as I said at the beginning, not only am I leaving Virginia, but I am leaving behind many years in the army... When Mandela was leaving Robben Island prison and was asked what the difference was between the man who went into prison and the man who came out 30 years later, he said he had "grown up". I, after a similar (not so much) period in the army, am afraid I will not be able to say the same thing, lest it not be strictly true.

So I'm already out. I hope to adapt well to my new situation, as it is easier to militarise a civilian than to civilise a military man ;-). It has been hard for me to take this step, but although the army has given me almost everything in my life, now I need other things, many more .... and I missed my family a lot. That's why I left.
Besides, for me, living the American dream gave me that dream.....
So next time I'll write about Africa, it's about time.

I leave you with some African photos that I don't think I have published yet, some are new and others are not. The important thing is not the actuality of the photo, but to show the art that you have inside.

Posted at 21:07h, 04 SeptemberCuchara...I loved it, but neither friends nor colleagues are left behind...on the contrary...let's see if you come back on Friday! We will miss the Czech!
The Batusis
Javier Bellido
Posted at 02:51h, 05 SeptemberSpoon!
Enjoy your new stage and thank you for showing us Africa. I'm sure you will adapt to your new civilian life. By the way, when you come to Barcelona you owe me a Star!!!! Jajaj...
Great lyrics, and I miss Africa.
Silvia Ruiz
Posted at 19:43h, 05 SeptemberMagnificent photos, and your texts as always very clear and expressive, with that touch of humour...I feel sorry for you to stop telling these stories so precious, and so... "pure feeling...", I don't know how to say it. When I read them it's as if I were reading a book that transports me and I forget the rest.
Anyway, thank you very much for everything you've shared, it's great, and there it is to reread it, and above all to SEE it as many times as we want, I love the images; it's much more beautiful than a book.
Best wishes Carlos and good luck in your new stage.
Posted at 19:46h, 05 SeptemberListen Silvia, I'm just changing stage, I'm going to continue writing..., but now I've left the USA and I'll go back to talking about Africa, which is what I like.
Posted at 19:48h, 09 SeptemberI can't believe it, I wrote to you from my mobile and apparently the little paragraphs full of love that I wrote to you were lost. I will try to revive the feeling.
You can't imagine the joy it gave me when we met in the middle of the countryside, me on a leisurely stroll, you, at a fast trot. Piradillo of aristocratic surname and lunatic look, eyes full of African venom, I am sure that this new stage will be as good as the previous ones. You're the lucky one with that impetus that accompanies you.
Be sure to come by for a beer with your old mates some Friday!
A big hug!
I follow you!
Pillar of the Cloud Translators' Bureau
Posted at 20:36h, 10 SeptemberHello Pilar, I was also very happy to see you. The only thing I don't agree with is the "trote cochinero", when what I was doing was much more like a canter.
I can't wait to go and have a few beers there, let's see if I can get away for a while this Friday.
Posted at 12:10h, 13 SeptemberGood morning Carlitos! Here we are, just back from "YOUR" Africa. I have to tell you that after these 10 days I'm starting to understand you a little more! We will tell you what we have done and with whom. Ahhh, a little something!!! I have some pictures that will make you the competition ehhh? Kisses
Posted at 17:18h, 14 SeptemberWell, the day you want we'll have a gin and tonic and show them to me, I'm looking forward to seeing them...to see if they are up to it, hehehehe. Kisses
Posted at 17:44h, 13 SeptemberCarlitos, you don't need an adaptation period. I'll be waiting for you in these lands at the end of September, memories and drinks with "pavas" & company. A big hug.
Posted at 17:16h, 14 SeptemberPedrito, at last you are going to organise that meeting of the Piarists! I'm looking forward to a good party in Murcia.... See you soon, tomorrow I'll call Pavas to start organising our getaway...
Posted at 12:43h, 18 SeptemberI didn't want to write anything this time because I felt so sorry for you, but I think you have really chosen what you want to do and you know what you have to give up to achieve it. I know very few people who can pursue their dream and you are one of them. I hope with all my heart that you achieve it. I love you very much cousin. And I hope to continue laughing a lot with your new blog entries. A thousand kisses.
Posted at 21:16h, 18 SeptemberWell I'm glad you've written cousin, I'm very sensitive today and I loved it. Don't worry I'll keep writing, you'll see. kisses